Original Post

3-12-2019 11:37
HK Honey girl POs

Which ones are the best?  In the past there was the one champ guy, can’t remember his name but his merchandise was housed in TSTE (circa 2010-2015).
This is my opinions given my limited time in the past few days of prep work using WA, mostly via text with some amount of voice interactions.
Note that I have not called anyone yet except for one.
I am fluent in speaking in Canto, not so much in Manda, and writing in Chinese though I have to rely on the dictionary at times.

Most responsive ones: FF, OT, XL, QK. Only QK would take a call via WA though.
SA seems ok.
CC, limited engagement.
YY and LV can go fuck off.
No response from K.HG

Mister 12-12-2019 21:15 Acceptance +2 What was the problem with YY and LV?

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