Original Post

14-11-2019 23:28
Reply #1 daytimefun's post

Personally, I've dated six working girls; Five, if you don't count one I met her at a gym and found out later why she always had to disappear around 7:00 P.M.

One, a North American was a certifiable nymphomaniac, and two more, one Chinese and one Korean, were close to being so, so they definitely became BFWBs.

Two of them, a Korean and a Chinese, were simply lunch or coffee dates one to several times with nothing happening beyond interesting conversations.

The key though is meeting them in their home countries - Korea to be exact where I went once to specifically meet one and do a little business; and another Korean who I stopped off to see for almost a week, on my way to a business trip in China. Beyond a doubt I saw parts of Korea that you will never see on your own or with a tour group and had 10X more fun than you could imagine

However, The bottom line is the more you get attached to them, which happened twice, the harder the fall - keep it light and fluffy and try to wake up without too much of a hangover  ... would I do it again - without a doubt; All the experiences were priceless in several ways varying from educationally platonic to some of the best sex you could imagine.

[ Last edited by  hotjac at 14-11-2019 23:34 ]

Explorer1 15-11-2019 09:36 Acceptance +4
jeffzeke 24-6-2020 11:11 Acceptance +20 wow, thanks for sharing your experiences.

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