Original Post

18-9-2019 02:55
Donna Excellent Service - with Photo & Whatsapp

I am so curious about this Donna and I tried her yesterday and my conclusion is....she is a Nympho. She really loves and enjoy sex.. . She will do anything you wishes for and she will try to satisfy your sexual needs as much as she could possible...  I ask her whether I could publish her photo (without her face) and her contact details in this forum. she 100% agree...  whatsapp XXXXX hk mobile XXXXXX  Goodluck brothers and enjoy :-)

Contact info edited out per forum rules.

[ Last edited by  jeffzeke at 20-9-2019 13:32 ]

SimonTheShark 18-9-2019 08:29 Acceptance +1 For a first post, very full of detail in how to contact etc
howb1zarre 25-9-2019 23:49 Acceptance +1 Could you share her number with me please bro via PM?
asianfetish 12-10-2019 11:03 Karma +5 Illegal
Mike747 12-10-2019 13:43 Karma +5 Excellent
Dutchmen 13-11-2019 23:00 Acceptance +1 Can I get her contact, thanks.
tchengaa 10-3-2021 23:42 Acceptance +1 Can I have her contact please thanks
batman108 12-3-2021 23:33 Karma +6 awesome and thanks
flkey 15-3-2021 13:21 Acceptance +2 Can you share her contact, please?
HKhgacc01 22-4-2021 11:13 Acceptance +1

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