Original Post

6-9-2019 18:47
[Shanghai] Aomen Rd. HJ Shop

Date & Time of Session: Sept 6
Location: Aomen Rd
Name: 610
Nationality & Language: Chinese
Age: ~20-30
Face: 3/5
Body: 3/5
Skill: 4/5
Service: 4.5/5
GFE: 4/5
PSE: 4/5
Price & Session Length: 2 hours 1000
Repeat: Likely

Hesitate to call massage as very little of that. There is a semi-lineup of girls, probably 8-10 working, I saw 6. Most were pickable, young, good figures. They all wear jackets and stockings.
Private shower adjacent to room.
About 10m of massage before top off, some catbathing, and then oil up the boys.
Halfway through I ordered another hour, that may have got me access for fingering, who knows. But i think not SOP for bottoms off.

Will go back to try 609, 650. They get new girls in rotation all the time. Also have a more expensive shop about 1 km away with 700-1000, but also think hj only.

1 hour 498 rmb, don't expect much massage, but young and good body hj.

zenche 8-9-2019 15:27 Karma +1 nice, but can you be a bit more specific on location?

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