Original Post

7-8-2019 07:47

Bumping this thread...

It's obvious that the situation in Hong Kong has gotten worst with no end in sight. I have flights and hotels booked just a month away. Are the usual punting grounds (TST, MK, WC, CWB, NP) safe?
Is business at 141s and HGs slow? SWs? Thai nests?

I really don't know if I should cancel my trip. I like WC and CWB and was hoping to do some eating and shopping there like I always do. It makes me sad that I won't be able to go to YL for my favourite Thai nest. Is the Airport Express affected as much at the MTR cancellations? Cancelling my trip would be a disappointment as I have a layover in a city I do want to visit. But if HK is still like this at the end of August then am I fucked?

hkpunter999 7-8-2019 08:41 Acceptance +8 Hope you get some intel here, debating booking another trip but have been researching BKK and DXB
aurufc 7-8-2019 09:33 Acceptance +5 Have been overseas for a while but bros I know say no issues in WC and they go every weekend. They also hit SWs Kowloon ...

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