Original Post

7-8-2019 00:06
Reply #1 Foxtrotosca's post

Was in The Dollhouse on SC most recently and was impressed with the talent plenty of hot spinners. Crazy House worth a visit if you haven’t been there before. Just avoid the ‘Arab’ bars like Rio & Sahara etc as many girls there don’t BF but they’ll cane you for drinks.

As for Nana you’ve got Billboard which is well known for hotties then Butterflies & the Rainbow bars can be good. Personally I prefer the beer bars and there’s plenty of those around Soi 4 & a couple on Soi Cowboy. Thermae worth a visit too if you haven’t been there before too although many say it’s more catered to Asians so I tend to not bother myself.

Good luck hope it goes well!

hkpunter999 7-8-2019 07:24 Acceptance +8
aurufc 7-8-2019 09:38 Acceptance +5 Angel Witch is my fav in Nana - rock music and good girls in leather :-) Also add a BJ bar like Lolitas or Kasalong to y ...
Foxtrotosca 7-8-2019 13:02 Acceptance +3 Thank you.

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