The San Francisco Scene
Greetings from San Francisco, California. I’ve been lurking/reading a ton on this great forum and I must say that there seems to be a well-rounded and well-educated bunch here.
The SF Bay Area has several different flavors you can dabble in, from the ladies of the night, or streetwalkers, in Oakland and San Francisco, to the myriad asian massage parlors (amps), to the asian apartments in San Mateo and San Jose, to the independent providers who offer anything from a full body sensual massage (FBSM) to a kink session, to FS.
It’s expensive here. Streetwalkers being the most affordable and dangerous…that mix has been something I’ve only read about on USG…but it seems you could pick a female up off the street for 20 - 40.
Asian apartments are great for the FS guys. You can find some exotic and beautiful ladies in their early 20s, or get burned by a 58 year old grandma with five layers of guy-grease permanently merged with her skin. Low end apartments are 120 for 30 minutes and 160 for 60 minutes. High end apartments are somewhere around 180 for 30 minutes and 220 for 60 minutes.
The independent providers are a lot of fun, but you’ll be lucky to find a provider for less than 200, more in the 300 range…are you willing to pay 360 to a 40 yr old woman who was smokin hot 20 years ago? There are always the unicorns, but you’ve got to be flush to reveal that diamond in the rough.
Amps are dwindling here…getting eradicated by BS politics, but they live on, and there are some really amazing experiences to be had and at the most affordable price (for Bay Area standards). For a happy ending, you should contribute about 40 - 80, BJ 60 - 80, full service 80 - 200. This is all on top of the 40 - 60 house fee.
Tableshowers still exist here and there, and it is definitely possible to get a legit massage coupled with a happy ending…the sad thing is, you’ll be spending 140 a week going from amp to amp, looking for the one that excites you the most…that means you’ll be spending at least 560 a month for many months until you find that unicorn….and now that you found her, you’re stuck!
In conclusion, I am planning a trip to Hong Kong and I can’t wait to to see what all of you have been talking about because the San Francisco scene sucks! | |