Original Post

4-1-2019 23:36
Height issues

Hey guys, I'm a man of average height, or probably slightly below average. I have a little bit of self-esteem issues due to height, that I can only feel fully dominant and comfortable when I'm hanging around with or fucking a woman that's much shorter than me. It is for this reason that I feel awkward to fuck a woman (WG or non-WG) that is of the same height or taller than me, with a mindset that I'll not be able to 'handle' them properly (despite that my sexual ability is perfectly normal as proven by previous experience).

But I notice there are many guys who are short or of average height, but they can be quite dominant with tall women, both socially and sexually. For example I just found an amateur video, I notice how that guy of average height and build, is owning the pussy of a girl who is almost the same height as him: https://www.xvideos.com/video43287491/my_gorgeous_british_girlfriend_gets_fucked_by_my_brother

The question is, as a guy of average or below average height, how to be dominant with women who are of same height or taller without feeling awkward?

[ Last edited by  hcnova at 4-1-2019 23:44 ]

hkpunter999 4-1-2019 23:43 Acceptance +8 DUDE - I'm 5'10 and only like girls that are ~5'2... we all have our thing! You have NOTHING to stress about!!
batman108 5-1-2019 02:27 Acceptance +2 awesome and thanks
Explorer1 5-1-2019 10:23 Acceptance +1 Tall girls always turn me on, even the 6’6”. I am 5’11”
jeffzeke 5-1-2019 11:30 Acceptance +10 when you are both laying down, height is irrelevant, LOL!
zebra 6-1-2019 11:11 Acceptance +5
deviantmindhk 28-1-2019 14:02 Acceptance +2
aurufc 28-1-2019 15:42 Acceptance +5 Don't stress bro

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