Another delightful report by zebra, oozing with irrepressible enthusiasm for the Joy of sex, Kama style.
Originally posted by zebra at 17-11-2018 20:17
The warm gel turned Chloe’s entire being into a giant sex organ, as if her wetness had expanded to the entire bed and my body had become one big erogenous zone. I had been saddened to hear of and experience the decline of standards at K Spa, in line with twiceAweek's Iron Law of Spa Quality (great for six to 12 months, and then it's downhill after that). Good that J is back with another crack at setting a high bar for the industry; more power to her elbow!
Am I persuaded by z's report to become a customer of Mia Spa? Well, I have to admit Chloe isn't MCOT facewise, though I'm sure she's a pro in the best sense of the word. And although I agree that nuru can be erotic if done properly, a more than 50% premium over the going rate for a body slide and manual release is too rich for my blood. (I fear that J is also leading the way in price inflation for other establishments, despite the likelihood that they will fall way short of Kama's standards).
But then, I must admit I have never really been part of Kama's target market segment. If only I was a billionaire; I would make Joy's place my living room. |