Original Post

15-10-2018 08:02

Originally posted by warinvar at 13-10-2018 21:46

I got there today - the place seemed moved to CWB area already - very public place.
They told me just moved in 1 month time or so.

I msg-ed the number and demanded 'Sally' but seems get the girl in ...

I went there last week and it was a bit of disappointment. I called before I went up and asked for Sally. A girl answered the door and claimed she was Sally and I told her she's not. I was prepared to walk but she called out another girl (Yin) who ain't any better but I chose the latter as I dont like being lied to. This girl is even older, early 30's, average looking and body.  She did tell me Sally just left for Shenzhen.

Message and the HE was mediocre at best. Could have spent the 1 hour somewhere better, like Shirley in Wanchai, which I did later on Thursday. I might give it another go but if it's not Sally, I will walk.

Nycpunter 18-10-2018 22:39 Acceptance +2
fortune2020 6-11-2018 17:16 Karma +3 Same for you Fantasy. Sorry you had run around. Was the price 5 or 600?

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