Original Post

11-10-2018 23:12
Shenzhen Louhu HJ

Place: Opposite Golden Coast down the stairs
Age: early 20s
Nationality: China
Looks: 4/5
Body: 4/5
Service: 2/5
Price: 348yuan

Found this girl on wechat, can't remeber how and after seeing a few of her updates and thinking she looked pretty hot thought I'd have a go. She sent a map and the place is easy to find as it is just opposite golden coast spa. When I saw her she didn't look to different from her pictures so I was pretty pleased. She swas fiendly to and we talked in chinese during the pretty poor massage. I didn't actualy know what kind of place this was (probably should have asked her about the service before I went) but it was fairly obvious as it was dark and she started to kiss me. She didn't mind a little groping but dissapointigly she kept her clothes on the onyl service was a HJ. When I left I saw another couple of girl there who looked fairly attractive to and I think this place does legit massages too. Would I go again? Pobably not, as the servce wasn't really worth it.

Mister 12-10-2018 15:53 Karma +3 A pic of the map would be helpful, as would details of the facilities
batman108 13-10-2018 01:22 Karma +2 awesome and thanks
Chasem 16-10-2018 09:43 Karma +2 Favorable
abergi66 24-10-2018 04:15 Acceptance +2 Excellent, good to know
Weelock 28-10-2018 10:59 Karma +4 Favorable
pfgtpfgt 1-11-2018 16:32 Acceptance +1 Can you please pm her wechat? TY

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