Original Post

27-9-2018 17:19
Is the shower room guy still there?

OKS! Your post has brought back lots of memories.
When I went to OKS many years ago, there was an extremely dodgy looking man in the shower room, whose job was to hand you towels. The shower units had no door, and the dodgy looking man would come over to chat with you while you were showering. One time, after shower, he handed the silk pyjama to me. While I was drying myself and he kneed down holding the bottom and tried to put them on me. I told him it was okay, I would put them on myself, he said, "are you shy?" I never went back since.
When you said lots of old faces are still there, the face of that dodgy looking shower room man immediately came back to me, effectively putting me off sex for a month. If you enjoy public nudity (yours) this type of Jacky Chan sauna is perfect for you.

kalip 27-9-2018 18:07 Karma +2
twiceAweek 27-9-2018 19:01 Acceptance +5 lol

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