As some famous guy once said, everything in the world is about sex, except sex. Sex is about power.
If we take into account the course of human history, the so-called sexual attraction between western men and Asian women is just a very recent phenomenon. About 100 years ago, western men were viewed as monsters and ghosts by the Chinese, because of their appearance. This is the origin of the term "gweilo", and "gwei" means ghosts. After the Industrial Revolution, the west became the leading power of the world, and they established a sexual power dynamic that is heavily favourable to them. The west means to the rest of the world power, wealth, status, civilization and romance, and this in turn is represented by western men. On the contrary Asia means weakness, poverty, low status, backwardness and traditionalism, and this is represented by Asian women. The strong and the weak: western men and Asian women.
So the rise of AMWF can be explained in exactly the same way, as Asian countries are becoming richer and more powerful. Asian men are now taller, wealthier, educated and more confident than their parents and grandparents. Many of them can now afford to study and live overseas and get the chance to approach white women. | |