Marriott Shunde - Mission Aborted
Date: Aug 23
Location: Marriott Shunde Spa, Midea Plaza, 388 Nanguo Road East, Dailiang, Shunde
Name: No idea
Nationality & Language: Chinese, Mandarin
Age: Early 20's
Face: 3/5
Body: 4/5
Price & Session Length: RMB580 for 60 min
My factory canceled dinner plans and left me at the Marriott Shunde. I do not know the area or any mongering sites in Shunde. I tried the hotel spa. I had low expectations on a reasonably priced HE. My low expectations were blown away!
The 60 min oil massage was RMB780. Went for the 60 min Chinese massage for RMB580. Yes, quite ridiculous but I thought I would give it a try. The room was beautiful. Two full sized massage tables. A huge marble shower. After I showered the massage started. Towel massage the entire time. Not my cup of tea. After the flip she did massage near LB getting him to half-mast. Near the end of the session she motioned to LB and asked if I wanted more. She got out the pen and paper. Drum roll please..........for the princely sum of RMB3,000 you too can get your dick rubbed! I politely declined. She eventually came down to RMB1,000 but I still declined. Mission aborted! Showered, paid up and left. | |