Original Post

31-7-2018 00:12
I don't dislike hairy armpits

I was once smitten with an Aussie lady who was lazy about hair topiary. She was petite and of Mediterranean stock, so naked with black socks on she looked like the 5 of clubs. But I was enchanted, so I liked all of her, including the undergrowth.

So out here in asia I have "cum across" several "ladies" who also don't shave, and they are hardly in the same league as my Sheila with the sevenies bush with armpits to match.

What puts me off? Greed. If it is a business transaction, don't ask for more and pout when you get a no. Asking for extra during the vinegar strokes is off-putting, and will not make you a regular. Don't ask and make me cross-eyed and painless, and I can be very generous.

[ Last edited by  Randal at 31-7-2018 00:28 ]

UncleDad 18-8-2018 22:15 Acceptance +10 No one likes a gold digger. Lol

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