Original Post

14-7-2018 01:33
Ocean King Sauna (veggie)

This place is a veggie massage joint (to me) and it seems that the emphasis is not on the massage. I went during the down time where you can get a discount and I asked the lady at the front if the special was currently available. She immediately said "no specials" and I corrected myself and said "the 11:00 to 2:00 special," to which she blushed and said yes, that was available. Lol

First time at one of these places. There's a bunch of naked dudes and at the time of my arrival they were lounging around, watching the world cup. One of them was puffing on a cigar. The jacuzzis are great and the sauna section even has a ice-cold bath where you can alternate between sweating-hot and ice cold in an instant. In another area you sit down and watch some TV and get free (inclusive of the price) food and drinks. A cute chick sits down nearby and asks what you want to eat/drink, but I don't think you can get anywhere with them. I ask them how the massage goes and they say soft, medium, or hard. I went for what a bro recommended, a sifu-grade massage, and waited around for 10-15 minutes. A cute woman leads me upstairs to a room with a glass window where you can look in from outside pretty easily, and when she was giving me the massage, which felt really good, there was no indication that extras were available. She even checked beforehand that I was wearing the pants they provide. Granted, she dimmed the lights, but when she had to sit on top of me there was always a towel between her bare legs and my body.

All in all, good for the price.

batman108 14-7-2018 01:45 Karma +2 awesome and thanks
Mister 14-7-2018 09:34 Karma +2 And the price was ...?

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