I know youth is valued highly, but being only a few years out of college, I'm used to being around college-aged girls. Their personalities tend to be more immature which I don't like. I'm 24, and have had only two WGs that were younger than me (21 and 24), even then you can't trust the ages they tell you so they were likely older than me. (Actually the 24 year old knew her zodiac sign so she was probably telling the truth!)
I tend to like WG's in the 25 ~ 35 age bracket. Which works out perfectly since most of them are in that age range. As a young man, there's something hot about boning a girl a few years older than you. Must be due to while growing up, I was always under the authority of girls in that age range (teachers, tutors, etc.) or being a freshman in high school and crushing on the hot upperclassmen girls. And we all know Asian girls tend to look 10-20 years younger, so even up to early to late 40's is no problem for me.
I also prefer mainland girls because their Chinese is better than mine, do I have some sort of dominatrix complex??
Oldest WG I have banged was probably in her late 50's / early 60's (she was the only one available at the time ), and she had this herbal-ointment smell that reminded me of my grandma which was sort of a turn off. She was wondering how I could pound her for so long without cumming. But her skills were pretty matured And she looked good with a shower towel on
If I were to get married though, I would want to marry a girl as young as possible (18+). Let's say I get married when I'm 30, and she is 18. Big age difference, I know, but perfectly legal. That means when I'm 60, she will be 48 (and still look like in her late 20s!)
Haha, realistically speaking though, if I get married, I will probably marry someone at or around my age.
[ Last edited by zebrazebra at 5-7-2018 18:31 ] | |