Original Post

21-6-2018 14:49
Reply #1 TroubleKorea65's post

HK side, for a no nonsense, proper massage go to Windsor sauna above Fortress station and ask for Sei Fu grade masseuse
you'll get a massage done right, you need to know on top of what the sauna charge you need to tip at least $100 per session (45 mins) - you need min 2 sessions for a decent massage ... if you feel the massage is good you MUST tip more as the girls there count on the tips to make a living.

Kowloon side, you should try Oriental palms spring sauna in Jordan - near Jordan station
again ask for Sei Fu grade masseuse and tipping is same as above

Both these places are big full facility saunas (nothing like the walk up pseudo spas mostly talked about here) you can spend all the time you want before and after the massage in the lounge, eat as much as you like and relax or watch TV

after your first visit please report back, if you liked the place and the massage I will let you know who to ask for next time you go

obe 21-6-2018 15:04 Acceptance +10 Excellent info
MothToAFlame 21-6-2018 22:49 Acceptance +5 How is the tipping handled? Cash to the lady, or tick a box on a paper slip, or...?
zebra 22-6-2018 10:54 Acceptance +4 Welcome back

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