Original Post

15-6-2018 13:10

I have so many stories with suppliers..including a somehow failed but commendable attempt from a friend and I to "repay" supplier or another time even more failed attempt with foreign clients.

The business threats,Saunas,  ktv, clubs, everytime all paid on suppliers company bills, they would not accept one penny from me.

What dazzled me the most is that one time a supplier in Foshan had on his side receiving costumers 2 young "employees" which extra  duty was I guess entertaining clients.
Brought them in dinner and let one of them follow you in your hotel.

Sometimes if you deal directly with females, usually very professional,  but happened to me on few occasions, one may offer herself as a reward or as an incentive and it can be disturbingly straightforward

One more thing, punting along local co-workers is pretty good but nonetheless a bad idea as news and rumors travel fast, even if done away from home.

obe 15-6-2018 13:26 Karma +8 Agree
halfclover 15-6-2018 17:37 Karma +8 So true, it is a tangled web we (certainly me at least) weave.
UncleDad 15-6-2018 21:49 Karma +10 You say tangled weave... I say entertainment! Lolz.
Tybear 16-6-2018 08:13 Karma +4 Co-workers always talk, especially Chinese LOL

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