Original Post

12-5-2018 08:19

Great weekend Steely, well played sir. Do do love the Curtain Bars with all their delights and crazy pricing.  Funny story, was having dinner with three colleagues in Wanchai and one said that he had heard that you can get a BJ while sitting at the bar in Wanchai.  I said "why yes you can, the place is Dragon, down the road 300m, turn right onto Fenwich St and its there on your left!!"  ok, not exactly what I said, rather "I doubt you can do that in HK".  Anyway it was funny in my head at least.

Re pricing, yes the 10% is always there, they only tell you when you pay.  Drinks there are HK242+10% as well, so actually HK266, you can rack up quite a bill just on drinks.  For ST, HK1500+10% is mostly the rate, you can ALWAYS get them to waive the 10% and usually get it to HK1200.  Not criticising your play here but good reference for bros to save some $$.

Re Ruby, I have not had the pleasure but we have chatted, this is her right?

The current crop at Dragon are great girls, I have enjoyed four so far (not all while they have been on their current tour).  Ruby is at the back on the right.

The mamas in Dragon are pretty harsh but when they get to know you they loosen up a little.  Second time, bring some chocolates, you will be surprised what that does for your bargaining power.

[ Last edited by  halfclover at 12-5-2018 08:20 ]

JJJ37 12-5-2018 09:46 Karma +5 6 girls ready for a facial ===D--
Petay_1283 14-5-2018 16:42 Acceptance +10 I am taking some Saturday lol
SteelyDan 15-5-2018 02:44 Karma +2 Thanks for the kind words. Reading access 30 cant see the pics.
joey88 30-5-2018 09:50 Karma +5
batman108 16-8-2018 23:59 Karma +3 awesome and thanks
hotjac 25-3-2019 13:31 Karma +6 Excellent!
Dilmah 12-3-2021 01:16 Karma +4 thnx

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