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6-4-2018 01:20
Reply UncleDad's post - Turn Offs

Being rushed. 5 minutes into a one hour session she says, "cum baby" or "why you take so long?" and then acts impatient, bored or pissy.

Coming across unusual physical features is pretty standard if one does a lot of punting and I find the variety interesting. Like going to ice cream shop with 31 flavors.

stinkyfeet 6-4-2018 01:33 Acceptance +8 Kuaidian is a instant deflater
jeffzeke 6-4-2018 08:27 Acceptance +10 very true, only happens when the WG needs to get you to finish with minimal wear and tear on her pussy, so she can servi ...
obe 6-4-2018 08:37 Acceptance +10 Kuaidian, Kuaidian.... That's the worse
blast77 6-4-2018 18:26 Acceptance +6 YEP!
UncleDad 6-4-2018 23:26 Acceptance +4 Especially overnighters.... If they start whining about that, I threaten to f*ck'em all night. Jokingly, of course. Lol

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