Original Post

30-3-2018 23:17
Any odd turnoffs?

I'm not talking about regular turn offs (fat, malodorous, tattoos, implants, etc)... I'm talking about turnoffs that potentially could only be specific to you. And if you wouldn't mind.... Why. Here are some of mine:

- Hair Extensions. I like running my hands thru a girl's hair....Finding Extensions makes the process ......odd.
- big eye contacts. Most people find them cute. They remind me of the demons in supernatural. Lol
- this one might be a bit more normal.... But bad teeth. I don't think I need to explain this one. Lol


batman108 31-3-2018 00:44 Acceptance +2 bad kimchi breath...
hkpunter999 31-3-2018 08:51 Acceptance +8 Interesting question!
jeffzeke 31-3-2018 11:31 Acceptance +10 fake eyelashes, large feet. One the opposite end, I find large nipples a big turn on!
jetsetting2much 31-3-2018 13:18 Acceptance +5 stained teeth bother me...
Petay_1283 31-3-2018 17:02 Acceptance +10 supernatural fan.
JJJ37 6-4-2018 01:21 Acceptance +8 No pulse
NeverWong 6-4-2018 06:26 Acceptance +3 any form of bad teeth

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