Original Post

18-3-2018 09:08
Beijing Sauna

Location:  Beijing, Liujiayao
Name:  Xintao Bath Centre
Agent: Mr. Liang
Nationality & Language: Chinese, Mandarin
Age: 22
Price & Session Length:  1300RMB without VIP membership
Repeat: No

So I actually found this place ages ago, but I never really got around to the report.
This place is pretty easy to find, if you take the subway go out exit A and walk to your right for like 200m and you'll see it.
Basically it's an actual sauna like the ones in Macau. They have lots of rooms and its quite dark.
You need to contact the agent beforehand to tell him you're coming.
If you want the agent's contact PM me, you must be RA30.

Basically it's a standard process, you take off your shoes at the front desk and go to take a shower in a communal area, then you put on a robe and go upstairs. The agent will show you to your room and then he will bring in girls one by one. There is about 7 girls here if I remember correctly.

I can't remember the actual session itself because it was so long ago. But I believed it was good. I'm not returning since the price range and distance from my place is a bit far.

Facilities are pretty standard and clean.

[ Last edited by  cactuss at 18-3-2018 09:11 ]

jeffzeke 18-3-2018 09:57 Karma +10 thanks!
Pacifichopper 18-3-2018 10:33 Karma +2 thx
obe 18-3-2018 12:16 Karma +8 Thanks
blast77 18-3-2018 14:00 Karma +6 FS is offered now ?
3QOxqK2Liy0t 18-3-2018 22:27 Acceptance +1 what place do you recomend instead?
batman108 20-3-2018 00:00 Karma +3 awesome and thanks
Weelock 24-3-2018 12:23 Karma +4 Favorable
Rapterr15 12-4-2018 16:57 Acceptance +1 Good stuff, man
Leg_o_man 20-4-2018 00:24 Karma +4 Favorable
cjk3310 20-4-2018 01:42 Karma +2 Excellent. Could you PM me the agent's contact please

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