Originally posted by mjon at 1-2-2018 01:29
@johnnygleet Not all laws will fall under txtraterritorial jurisdiction, often only a handful of laws would do so, such as corruption, etc. Depends on several factors. Probably rarely done This is correct. Laws of any country only have extraterritorial effect if they are expressly stated to and so obviously this only applies in the US to a limited number of laws.
The reason Korean tourists get arrested for sex tourism overseas is because South Korea has expressly enacted a law criminalising overseas sex tourism.
No such law exists for the US. They do criminalise overseas sex with underage prostitutes, but sex with above 18 prostitutes is perfectly legal provided it's done outside of the US.
We really need to stop the spread of mis-information here - yes espionage, treason, underage hookers etc have extraterritorial effect but regular punting: perfectly legal |