Original Post

25-1-2018 13:51
BBBJ with LS on my face :)

Thread Subject: BBBJ - Massage
Date & Time of Session:  21:00    25/01/2018
Location:  Lohuo
Name:  Siam # 188
Nationality & Language: Chinese , with a little english
Age: 28..
Face:  2/5
Body:  3/5
Skill: 4/5
Service: 4/5
GFE: 2/5
PSE: 2/5
Price & Session Length:  328
Repeat: yes but with another girl

Had a little itch, so I went to Siam in Lohou, I was lucky I could park right next door.

I have been here now about 6 times or so, and I like the place, but the girls keep on changing faster than a bullet train.

Anyway requested Tiffany #177, but they told me she was on holiday. I saw nr 166 back on the board again, so i asked for her services, they said no problem.
However after a while the guy came back and told me she was not available, he would bring me another...

After some minutes, a rather tall girl came, not fat but big if you know what I mean.
She started the massage, pleasant, nothing special, but followed by a very enthusiastic rim job

After the flip a decent BBBJ, without hands nor teeth, she has truly nice B/C cup boobs, nice and natural.
But then it further, while touching her bum, and LS, I felt she was enjoying it ( no I don't think I can make her cum in an NY minute ;) She turned and planted her LS straight on my face... I was a little shocked, but ...well now we are here I better eat it out then: tongue2: nice clean wet pussy... would eat it anytime again.

The only thing I did not like was the fake moaning, asked her to stop it, but it went on.

Nice CIM, I left a happy man!
After the session I asked her what her number was, she gave me her wechat and said she was number 188... that means the real or first pretty number 188 has been replaced.

Happy punting all!


batman108 25-1-2018 14:53 Karma +3 Awesome and thanks
porkchops 25-1-2018 14:58 Karma +4 Thanks!
UncleDad 25-1-2018 23:04 Karma +4 Good stuff!
Mister 26-1-2018 08:53 Karma +3 Nice
jeffzeke 26-1-2018 10:15 Karma +5 good work, and she made you work too, LOL.
NeverWong 26-1-2018 10:44 Karma +3 Always a better experience if the girl gets into it. Nice!
obe 26-1-2018 11:53 Karma +10 Nice report
waldo 26-1-2018 13:35 Karma +5 thanks for photo .. how about a location map?
blast77 27-1-2018 16:59 Karma +6 Thanks bro
MothToAFlame 27-1-2018 23:21 Karma +2 Favorable
stinkyfeet 30-1-2018 00:58 Karma +5 I like them proactive girls lol
hotjac 30-1-2018 18:11 Karma +4 a must try ...
HardRocks 14-4-2018 16:45 Acceptance +1 will try...when in SZ

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