Original Post

14-11-2017 20:51
My first 3P exp: TR Twin

I have been hoping to try 3P for a long time. Finally,
Roy's twin is back in town, I quickly make a booking. Not only that they are providing 3P service but they are twin sisters!

A lot of Bros here told me 3P is not as exciting because many pair of HG just lazily watching each other during the action, taking turn to serv. I decided that I should try at least once.

Door open, the two girls are very cute. Actually much cuter than the photos, and beautiful. Big eyes pretty face. Thin body with big boobs. But the boobs are not natural for sure. No tattoos. Ass is more on the flat side but enough for my taste (not those totally flat ass kind)

The two girls are very playful and firendly. On my way to the door they already fool around my body, getting the party started. Very touchy.

bath in the tub lying down with one of the girl, the other girl stay by the side of the tub. Some water blow job with one sister and the other suck my nipple, very pleasant. After getting off the tub, the other sis proceed to blow me while I stand on the towel beside the tub as she try to dry me up with a towel.

In to action on bed, two of them acted in harmony, when one is BJing the other would play my nipple. They also did the very sexy two girls blow me at the same time thing.

Finally take turn fuck them in missionary and reverse cowgirl. The other continue to play around while
I fuck one of them. No French kiss though, just light kiss.

Only 1Q, 50 min. 1600 hkd.

Worth a try, better than my expectation.

Their gown is super sexy btw.

homer168 14-11-2017 21:13 Karma +5 Twins - can tick that off your bucket list
Bloodrage 14-11-2017 21:38 Karma +2 Probably never in a life time if you don't pay for it.
orangerange 14-11-2017 22:16 Karma +4 Well deserving g of some ks
porkchops 14-11-2017 22:37 Karma +5 Thanks! Sounds great, is it the usual TR hotel? Any girl-on-girl action at all? Did you have to switch condoms?
ramont 14-11-2017 22:48 Karma +5 Glad you enjoyed it
cookiemonsta 14-11-2017 23:30 Karma +5 Excellent
JJJ37 15-11-2017 05:41 Karma +6 ===D--
sam_smith 15-11-2017 09:42 Karma +3 Sounds fun! But there were reports they don't let you do full penetration, balls deep?
batman108 15-11-2017 13:10 Karma +3 Awesome and thanks
Stonecold 15-11-2017 15:22 Karma +4 Favorable
WalterTheWhite 15-11-2017 16:48 Karma +3
mwomwo 15-11-2017 17:29 Karma +5 Excellent
aardvok 15-11-2017 22:17 Acceptance +1 Can confirm Sam_Smith's intel. Big peener bros will get said treatment.
UncleDad 15-11-2017 23:07 Karma +4 Hot-tastic!
blast77 16-11-2017 01:20 Karma +6 3p can be awesome
red9 16-11-2017 11:22 Karma +4 Glad you had a good time
Jake 16-11-2017 23:53 Karma +10 Great fun. Everyone should do 3P at least once. Twins is a once-in-a-lifetime bonus.
bohica 18-11-2017 05:41 Karma +6 1st 3P and hopefully not the last!!!
JackTheBat 18-11-2017 10:54 Karma +8 Please note: they are IDENTICAL twins.
jeffzeke 19-11-2017 08:03 Karma +8 Identical twins are rare. When they are cute, even more rare!
daWongster 19-11-2017 18:30 Karma +3 Thanks mate
Thai-delight 19-11-2017 19:54 Karma +10 thx
orden 20-11-2017 19:22 Karma +3 Excellent
ecean88 21-11-2017 13:58 Karma +3 awesome!!!! just had my first twin too!
matado 5-12-2017 02:53 Karma +3 lucky bastard !
aurufc 5-12-2017 10:10 Karma +3 Good work
Petay_1283 11-12-2017 11:04 Karma +10
waldo 9-1-2018 11:19 Karma +5 Twins!! nice one.
vinpan 9-1-2018 15:47 Karma +3
obe 10-1-2018 08:44 Karma +5
conmebol 11-1-2018 14:40 Acceptance +1 Nice!!!
Tarasse 11-1-2018 16:05 Karma +3 Feels like a bargain!
spahunters101 13-1-2018 14:14 Karma +3 3P + TWINS = NEXT LEVEL SHIT
Sharedoc 4-2-2018 18:40 Acceptance +1 Should try
qwertypoop 15-2-2018 07:17 Acceptance +1
cwang 16-2-2018 16:24 Acceptance +1 omg!!! great pics! really need to try this... thanks for sharing bro
abergi66 3-3-2018 06:59 Acceptance +1 :-)
godisdead 3-7-2022 15:40 Karma +8 Tried them a few years back. I remember that they didn’t like you to put it all in.
ambitious2012 6-7-2022 06:07 Karma +4
Babababa1 18-7-2022 23:03 Karma +2 3p always confusion on which one to finish off in
Dilmah 21-7-2022 05:33 Acceptance +5 awesome

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