Original Post

11-11-2017 12:19
Reply #3 micyoung's post

I been a regular for over a year now, go there at least twice a month. VIP service for 3 hours each time.
keep the same girl for as long you can, get to know her.
once she start asking you wait as she go off soon, you know you soon there.
there was one, she was so good and popular. at most is HJ, or if you know her long and been regular, can do little more , but still never FS.
I will meet her once a month and go to hotel for the weekend.
we will fuck so much and so wild as she unleash all her horny lust from work seeing all those men and getting so high... all unto you.
been with her for over a year, we meet at hotel on weekends and fuck each others brain out, as we been doing for a year... we trust each other... we fuck bare ... she is soooooo good...

So don't complain on their service, there is a limit for their work as legal issue.
they also need man to release as from all those work.

get to know them, and you will be surprised once they open up to you

twiceAweek 11-11-2017 13:09 Karma +1 interesting ... do you still ask for her when you go there once or twice a month ?
M3V8 12-11-2017 06:11 Karma +1
Mister 12-11-2017 14:20 Karma +1 How much do you pay her?
Petay_1283 13-11-2017 17:31 Acceptance +3 and yet not a single report...??

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