Original Post

24-9-2017 05:39


Yeah, place was packed, the floor staff was physically pushy and rude, lots and lots of Vietnamese barbies up in that place.  I was hoping to find some thais, but not avail.

Lots of very good looking viets, i paid premium, 1500 one hour, call me stupid, but sometimes i just don't care if its the one i want, and i usually go for the baddest one in the club, I didn't bother negotiating, i could swing it, she was happy, off to my apartment we go.

Face: 8/10
Body: 12/10
Repeat?  Yes
Condoms all around.

Perfect tits, super soft white skin, Im sure the manhattans regualrs know her... she's pretty rad.  Took her to my place, great shag, got her a DIDI and off she goes in for round who knows what.

Weelock 24-9-2017 06:25 Karma +3 Never been to Manhattan in SH but it sounds like fun from all the rpts. Also sounds expensive.
batman108 24-9-2017 12:17 Karma +2 Awesome and thanks
porkchops 24-9-2017 16:26 Karma +2 Thanks!
ts7478 24-9-2017 17:33 Karma +2 used to be 1000 for ST was normal there with Viets. Prices maybe are up with all other venues shut.
blast77 24-9-2017 21:03 Karma +5 Manhattan, good memories
obe 6-10-2017 00:57 Karma +6
aznsensation22 8-10-2017 12:11 Acceptance +1

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