Original Post

26-8-2017 12:18
Nanchang----Wechat Scam Alert

Date: 25 Feb
Face: 1/5
Body 1/5
Service: 0/5
GFE: 0/5
PSE: 0/5

Cost: 600 RMB for nothing

Was in Nanchang for a few days, at night I took a look in the Wechat People Nearby and soon I was flooded with connection requests, there was one with a reasonably cute picture with the name 红红 and looked quite normal without any photoshop so I accepted the connection.

Soon I got a message if I wanted delivery service 500 RMB for full service and 800 RMB for overnight and I asked for full service one hour.

She asked for a picture of my hotel card and my phone number and said would be arriving in 5 minutes, she called me and said is waiting for me.
I went downstairs and started to look for the girl as in the profile picture.
My phone rang and I started looking around, then I saw a damn ugly woman holding a phone, then I knew I was heading to deepshit!

She was short, stocky, heavy makeup and a face that easily can pass as a dude if she want
We headed to my room and I was thinking what the hell I am gonna do.
There is a big risk to start a scandal if i refuse her so I kept going.
Once in the room she asked for the money upfront (bad thing) and plus she asked for 80 for the taxi fare (she arrived in 5 minutes to the hotel, 80? Really?)
I knew where this shit was going but it was too late.....

Then her big act started, she said her phone is not actually hers and need go downstairs to give it back to the owner urgently, this was checkmate for me as i don't wanted to start a discussion in the room and let the things go out of control and then i don't wanted to go downstairs again and call the attention of the staff, so I said to her OK.
She said would call me when ready to go up again, well.......I am still waiting....
Actually I felt relief when she left, and knew she wouldn't go back so later on I fell asleep

MothToAFlame 27-8-2017 11:24 Karma +4 Ouch. Have some sympathy k
Mister 27-8-2017 15:08 Karma +2 Never pay upfront. At least not before she takes off all her clothes. If she demurs, give her taxi fare to go away
stinkyfeet 27-8-2017 18:40 Karma +8 Man u beeen punting for a decade n u don't know the tricks?! Wtf
steriam 28-8-2017 00:05 Acceptance +1 Ouch. Painful, but a good reminder
blast77 28-8-2017 10:13 Karma +5 Ask for vocal msg and video chat
aurufc 29-8-2017 23:10 Karma +1 only a single s K bro, should know better
batman108 31-8-2017 02:43 Karma +2 sorry...better luck/hunt next time!!!
askyratak 2-9-2017 13:22 Acceptance +1 I'm sorry for the money but happy you're safe brother

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