Original Post

30-7-2017 13:09
Reply #16 Freelancer's post

To add to Freelancer, I have used SA in both Australia and Hong Kong and it has worked well for me in both countries though i think iit also depends on what you are looking for. (I have described by experiences and approach  my experiences on other posts on the subject)

For me, I use it for medium term ongoing agreements with a monthly allowance to have the GFE with intimacy building though you don't have the shit you gt from a regular full time GF lol

I have never used it for a one night stand with a semi-pro so can't comment on how that would work in HK as I know that is more of the approach in the US

Just my tupence worth!

oh and as well as a good profile you have to be polite to find the gems

ok won't be lazy lol found the link for my approach - my reply is somewhere half done although this is another good thread on SA generally

http://forum.sex141.com/eforum/v ... &extra=page%3D2

[ Last edited by  aurufc at 30-7-2017 13:12 ]

jeffzeke 30-7-2017 14:00 Acceptance +6 thanks for referring the the other posts.
blackjack038 31-7-2017 12:04 Acceptance +3 Out of curiosity aurufic, How much are u sponsoring them monthly in both Australia and HK, if u don't mind i am asking ...

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