Original Post

28-7-2017 22:11

Thank you everyone for your nice words. They mean a lot.

mchk: Yes, Penny is great, isn't she? Unfortunately she is gone already. Let's hope she comes back soon, bringing back more stories from the other lands.

porkchops: I take back everything I said about 50 greys. All the women I know love it (especially the sequel). This basically makes me a woman too....

Twiceaweek: I wish I have had great service every time. Of course not true. I got good service there about 90% of the time, which is already quite amazing!
In academia, there is a phenomenon called "Publication bias", of which I am certainly guilty. Publication bias means for a study to be published it always contains positive, interesting results. Same here, I only report here when I had memorable, life-changing experiences.

Mister 29-7-2017 16:09 Karma +8 Welcome back! Excellent pics (yours?), but even better word pictures. You've tempted me to retreat to Kama
Pinkpuffy69 3-10-2017 12:27 Karma +1 I'm sorry but 50 shades still sucks,but ur writing is superb.

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