Original Post

16-6-2017 06:22

Not the OP but I do think the hype from other reviews do play a factor. I visited Yo Yo few weeks back as well and wasn't exactly blown away. Of course, there's varying factors such as individual preference - I'm assuming most bros here are slightly older than myself and therefore may not have a big issue with older women as a result. I personally found her face to be a bit surprising (looked possibly early 40s) considering the photos I saw of her body indicated someone in their 20s or 30s - guessing photoshop is to blame here.

Performance wise, it was good but not something I would consider to be mine-blowing (which was what I expected from the reviews). But hey, she was the only WG I visited that had a fridge full of Vitasoy and soy milk at your disposal!

flkey 16-6-2017 14:06 Acceptance +1 I like...in your disposal.

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