Original Post

10-6-2017 18:20
Beijing - Beijing Nightlife Guide Part one - the fake and the bad

So in my other post i highlighted 3 of the positive experiences, here's the rest

Date & Time of Session: Feb 17'
Location: Outcall
Name: Unknown
Nationality & Language: Chinese
Age: 40
Face: 1/5 - Middle-aged and worn out
Body: 2/5
Skill: 1/5 -
Service: 0/5 - H
GFE: -0/5 -
Repeat: Never

This girl showed up, put on some romantic music and started acting sad. When she went down she starting crying so i pulled up and let her cry it out. This went on for 20 mins with her ranting about her shit life. Look, i felt bad for her, but this isnt what i ordered. Nightmare experience

Date & Time of Session: Same night as above
Location: Outcall
Name: Unknown
Nationality & Language: Chinese
Age: 40
Face: 0/5 - Middle-aged and worn out
Body: 0/5
Skill: 0/5 -
Service: 0/5 - H
GFE: -0/5 -
Repeat: Never

So after the crier left i freaked out at the agent so she said she would send a better girl. This tired looking farm girl shows up, and there's just nothing, nothing i could do to encourage mysefl. I ended up getting a 60  minute massage and falling asleep. To be fair to her, she left without robbing anything but suffice to say i was disgusted.

So the next day i kept freaking at the agent so she said she would give me a great girl that night at half price. For some stupid reason i agreed. In comes crying girl again who then spends the next 3 hours trying to convince me to marry her and trying to take off my pants and blow me. I literally ended up giving her the 600 just to get rid of her....agent deleted from phone...done.

Only use this agent if there's nothing else available and you need to speak english with an agent. Julie from my other post is still there i believe so ask for her. Have low expectations. There's another girl i turned away as well as i couldn't accept she was over 18.

All in all, stay away from this agency and use Kitty

hkpunter999 10-6-2017 19:13 Karma +3
LeoCan 10-6-2017 21:39 Karma +5
porkchops 11-6-2017 09:32 Karma +4 Thanks!
aurufc 11-6-2017 13:17 Karma +2 Just laughed out loud reading crying girl was sent back!
liveabroad9 12-6-2017 17:23 Karma +3 Damn... why not just tell the agent to send another...?

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