Original Post

4-6-2017 06:38

Totally agree, I know we all take our chances as these girls can be hit or miss sometimes.

To SimonTheShark and Mister, I am not being harsh on the agent, the girl just wasn't well trained and cared more about turnover as oppose to service. Then again as a paying customer we all have our say and I just want to share my experience so that the other brothers can judge for themselves. Perhaps one of you are their agents?

In contrast, I went to see one of TR's girl in TST and the service was much better in many ways, he got the booking mixed up but offered me another girl, he told me if I didn't like what he offered I can reject and wait for my original booking. The other girl turned out to be just as good as she was smiling through out, wore a sexy uniform to greet me and gave me top notch services. It's like if I had $100 I can go and get stuffed in McDonald's with lots of Big Macs and feel full and bloated for all the wrong reasons, or I can spend the same amount at the Butcher's Club on one burger feeling just right and totally satisfied!

SimonTheShark 4-6-2017 09:01 Acceptance +1 Thanks. "Agent YY don't waste you're money" was what I was referring to as being harsh.

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