Original Post

2-6-2017 18:58
Yuchi Sauna at President Hotel

Name: Yuchi Sauna 总统大酒店御池桑拿
Hotel: President Hotel

No. 40
From: ??
Age: Late 20s
Looks: 7/10
Body: 8/10
Massage: 7/10
GFE: 4/10
Damage: 538 rimbos

Recently I decided to give a new place a try and ended finding this sauna. I have to say, I was not only not disappointed but actually quite satisfied not only with her performance but also with her smoking hot body. The best I've seen so far in GZ (non-escort girls, of course).
The girl did try to give a prolonged veggie oil massage but after instructing her in what I wanted she complied and started stimulating my inner thighs and LB while I was face down. She was -good-.
She took her top off, and allowed me to play with most crevices in her body (but over her underwear). Nice, firm boobs.

She made me blow after flipping me over, left for a good 10 minutes after cleaning me and herself, more massage and eventually made me blow again! She did also BJ me over some kind of plastic cover. Was weird.

All in all, an enjoyable experience and I will definitely go back to this place.

8/10 would recommend to my friends.

Phaychay 3-6-2017 01:06 Karma +4
batman108 3-6-2017 01:27 Karma +2 awesome and thanks

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