Original Post

30-5-2017 23:29
Fantasic Punt in Jordan - Foremost Bldg

Fantasic Punt in Jordan - Foremost Bldg

Date & Time of Session:  May 22, 17:30
Location:  Jordan, Foremost Bldg
Name: Cherry
Link: http://go141.com/en/A41900-Jorda ... l?ref=Search(region,building)
Nationality & Language: Chinese
Age: Mid to late 20's
Face:  8/10, much more pretty than photo
Body:  8/10, excellent real E Cup
Skill: 8/10
GFE: 10/10
Price & Session Length: $800 for 90 min
Repeat: Yes !

After a bad punt
http://forum.sex141.com/eforum/v ... &extra=page%3D1
at that day. I really needed a good sex to refresh.

Lucky for me. Cherry replied my wechat and we make a quick confirmation. Through her wechat, I knew she is a regular jogger which made me feel horny at once. I like the girls
in this type.

Entered her room in time. I found a beautiful lady with a friendly smile (very very important !) and nice big boobs ! Her face is so cute. Much much more charming than the photo in the DB. A great surprise! After a quick shower, I told her my bad experience in short. Cherry just surprised about my quick second round. We started with a enthusiastic hug made me feel her natural E cup. I love her skin very much.  

At first, it was the a professional massage. Yes, professional, Cherry has a pro massage bed in her room. That was my first time to see in HK with WGs. I was enjoying this massage. But when I felt the contact with her tight and her chest. I turned around and garbed her (of course, gently) in my hug and start to feel her with my whole body.

In fact, Cherry is very small boned. This is a bonus for the sensation when we rubbed each-other.

Cherry offered me a excellent BBBJ. We did several positions in tune just like old friends. The pleasant big boobs together with the firm butts gave me a lot fun. I can also feel her contraction in her LS.

Well a wonderful punt for me !

Next time, I will do two rounds with her ! For sure !

stinkyfeet 30-5-2017 23:35 Karma +5 Please post photos for additional karma!
hotjac 30-5-2017 23:42 Karma +3 nice find
mich1234 31-5-2017 03:47 Acceptance +1 Excellent
Mistaman 31-5-2017 13:03 Karma +2 Good to know, I've been trying to find one worth visiting in Foremost.
tripwire 31-5-2017 14:55 Karma +3 Nice find, well done!
zorkelias 31-5-2017 20:36 Acceptance +1
Hyped1 31-5-2017 20:57 Karma +4 Goood find
porkchops 1-6-2017 01:16 Karma +2 Thanks!
batman108 1-6-2017 01:39 Karma +2 awesome and thanks
quartz13579 1-6-2017 14:12 Karma +3
David.youngson 10-8-2017 16:20 Karma +2 Many girls in foremost have pro massage tables..

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