Original Post

30-5-2017 11:55
Backpage - Bait and Switch - "Asian Goddess.."

Hey Bros,

Not going to waste time to write too much, just a warming on this girl.  A total piss take.

http://hongkong.backpage.com/Fem ... ed-on-earth/4448884

I am sure there are some decent girls on backpage, but this is not one of them.  Offer via message was appealing, $2,000 for 90 mins, two shots.

Long story short, I turned up and she was nothing like the photos, at best a charity fuck but certainly wouldn't pay for it.  I walked, of course.  If the photos look too good to be true, then your instinct is probably right.

Take care and be lucky bros.

[ Last edited by  ILWMACW at 30-5-2017 11:56 ]

batman108 30-5-2017 13:01 Karma +2 Awesome and thanks
JJJ37 30-5-2017 13:46 Karma +4
stinkyfeet 30-5-2017 16:54 Karma +1 Walking is healthy lol
blast77 30-5-2017 17:05 Karma +1 Just forget about bp
ramont 30-5-2017 17:40 Karma +8 Thank you for "outing' her. Those photos have been used non-stop for a year at least.
Corcorigan 31-5-2017 10:16 Acceptance +1
porkchops 31-5-2017 20:19 Karma +1 Thanks!
hotjac 31-5-2017 22:14 Karma +3 Thanks for the heads up - and yes her ad looks fantastic!

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