Original Post

20-5-2017 01:59
Fake Report: 1st time to try a local Hong Kong girl, worth it! (photo)

Location:  Wan Chai
Name:  Anne
Link:   wechat
Agent: sunnykinghaha2 (wechat)
Nationality & Language: Hong Kong
Age: early 20s
Face:  4/5 if you like a slutty whore look
Body: 4/5 sexy toned body 34C
Skill:   3/5 (unskilled but girlfriend feel)
Service: 4/5
Price & Session Length:  $2000
Repeat: repeat for sure/ a very good agent with real quality girls

tried a quality Hong Kong local girl by a wechat agent tonight. expected a bit more pricey than the mainland Chinese imports and old gals
but really worth a try as the girl is quite green with quality skin and good looking face.. good service as well
first time to get an agent that provides photos of real girls

[ Last edited by  Thai-delight at 23-5-2017 11:52 ]

batman108 20-5-2017 04:42 Karma +5 awesome and thanks
maizerhymes 20-5-2017 05:32 Acceptance +2 Good to know
stinkyfeet 20-5-2017 11:50 Karma +6 Real c cups??
TwistedMirror 20-5-2017 12:04 Karma +3
joey88 20-5-2017 16:46 Karma +2
UncleDad 20-5-2017 23:37 Karma +1 Smells like an ad
prince10 22-5-2017 15:35 Acceptance +1 Smells like an Ad x2 :P
Kortaro 22-5-2017 21:26 Karma +2 Seems like an ad TBH

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