Original Post

10-5-2017 16:11
Raid - Hung hom hotel - 09.05.17

to whom it may concern:

just got to know that there was a raid yesterday at the "usual" HH hotel.

Seems also some of the girls were taken away and the air seems tense.

although agent says now it is safe, should i wait a couple more days?

PS. to all mongering contributor brothers, my apologies if this is the first message after so many years of membership
(hope I won't get lynched for my silence, and will try to contribute more now after having gathered some experience )


Kortaro 10-5-2017 16:21 Karma +4 Thanks for the heads up, suggest waiting a few days 1st before going.
flappo84 10-5-2017 18:43 Karma +4 Was there today... did not affect q or lg I guess.
stinkyfeet 10-5-2017 20:54 Karma +3 This post is a whole lot better than reading... "Hot girl pm me contact" (first post, member since 2010)
zebra 10-5-2017 20:56 Karma +4
Phaychay 10-5-2017 23:48 Karma +4 Thankyou
JJJ37 11-5-2017 00:35 Karma +2
batman108 11-5-2017 03:28 Acceptance +5 awesome and thanks
joey88 11-5-2017 11:22 Acceptance +4
arandom 11-5-2017 16:02 Acceptance +1 Is it going to be a problem if one is to be caught with a working girl during a raid?
askyratak 11-5-2017 17:52 Acceptance +1
zorkelias 14-5-2017 15:19 Acceptance +1
sssqblf 3-6-2017 23:27 Acceptance +1 Original

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