Original Post

7-5-2017 06:41

Thanks for the report - I'll be sure to give agent ST a miss due to bait and switch tactics which I really don't approve of.

Seems like some agents like to come up with excuses about the WG not being 'available' once you get to the hotel, which is utter cow cack if you ask me. THEY are the agent, THEY make the arrangements, so THEY obviously know if xyz WG is is available or not from the get go if you ask me.

I think a large proportion of it also comes down to the fact that they know once you are at the venue, the majority of people will just end up listening to their LB and think fuck it - both literally and metaphorically speaking...

I think that if more people did u-turns and reported agents who use bait and switch tactics and spread the word to boycott them, then maybe they'll change their ways? Hit them where it hurts - in the wallet.

Sorry to hear you had a crap session.

Mister 7-5-2017 09:03 Karma +3 ^this
Petay_1283 8-5-2017 11:49 Karma +2 yeah

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