Original Post

7-5-2017 04:21

So last night in China, back in the big smoke of Guangzhou.  I decide to treat myself to a proper escort.  No better idea than backpage.  I text or Whatsapp 2 or 3.  The actual price has little relationship with the listed price.  Because I am savvy enough to specify that I expect 2 times in an hour, and to lock on a Taxi price.  I book Candy for a one hour outcall.  Two times is 1800RMB and taxi 200.

I meet her 2 hours later in the huge anonymous lobby, and we walk up to my room holding hands - no one gives a shit.  She is very nice looking.  Not sure she is the girl in the pics, but could be.  Slim, firm boobs with bullet nipples.  Shaved pussy. Very good English.

We have a shower together, then slow tease and sex. DFK, OWO, RO all on offer.  Nice chat during break (no wechat texts needed!), and round 2 is just as good.  Nice cuddle before she leaves.  Playing with massage girls is good, but a great hot escort sex is still my preference.  Just a bit expensive in China, and not easy outside big cities.

stinkyfeet 7-5-2017 12:23 Karma +5 What are her stats?
Corcorigan 8-5-2017 11:48 Acceptance +1
Petay_1283 8-5-2017 12:34 Karma +10 awesome reports bro

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