Original Post

7-5-2017 04:08

So after days of talking I get Red to agree to come to my hotel at 8PM.  The translation is not perfect so I am not 100% sure.  I wait in the lobby, and after 'see you soon' texts. she turns up at 8:30.  SugarBaby girls are hard work.  Up in my room, we agree on 800 RMB (no mention of time).  We have shower together, then slow build up and sex.  I get a little bit of Thai girl 'I am shy' attitude, but it doesn't last long.  Very nice time.  Another shower, more attitude, then more hot sex anyway.  10:30 she is leaving, but lets me come with her.  I am hoping that after an hour she might come back for thirds, or decide to stay over so morning sex can be on the cards.  We go to KTV near by.  A KTV girl some how comes with the room.  KTV girl flirts, shares WeChat, but she is not up for any off site meets or anything beyond dice and singing with me.  We all 3 sing.  Red leaves when I am playing dice with KTV girl and texts' I walked first'  and then 'My husband to find me'  and then after a pause 'Dear good night I sorry do you play happy?'  

Amusing about her husband, and I think all good.  Hard work, but 2 hours for 800RMB (plus 500 to KTV but that was me being daft) is a good deal - China is not normally cheap, so I am happy.

[ Last edited by  SteelyDan at 7-5-2017 04:16 ]

Mister 7-5-2017 08:46 Karma +7 Great series! Is that Red and the KTV girl?
stinkyfeet 7-5-2017 12:21 Karma +8 Good read
MothToAFlame 8-5-2017 22:49 Karma +5 Cute

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