Original Post

4-5-2017 22:27
New spa TST

So an old contact from one of these Central MPs had kept in touch and messaged that they had a new place set up on the dark side. I wasn't sure but decided to give it a go.

This place is on Middle Road, TST and they apparently opened just yesterday. Had a few bouquets outside the unit. Place looked clean, new and big.

My contact greeted me warmly. Went to the room and the first couple of girls who came in were not MCOT. Then the other lady who runs the place offered to do a line up but the first one who walked out was definitely MCOT.

Onto the massage which was passable but lots of GFE - could develop further.

Damage was 300 + 300 tips for a 60 min massage.

I will go back.

PM me for details.

Mister 5-5-2017 03:38 Karma +3 Intriguing. What does mandatory $300 tip get you? Please PM address, WeChat/website and girl's name.
micyoung 5-5-2017 05:54 Karma +3 Hi could you please PM me contacts? Thanks!
zbmthethird 5-5-2017 09:25 Acceptance +2 ah Beauty Spa! Just visited yesterday myself, review to follow.... met the F Cup Beauty!
mchk 5-5-2017 13:47 Karma +2 How long was the session?
ernieb 5-5-2017 14:24 Karma +5 Thanks
professuser 6-5-2017 13:51 Acceptance +1
rosebud888 6-5-2017 18:35 Karma +2 Thanks for discovery!
CheeseIsGood 6-5-2017 22:30 Karma +1 I'd love a full review if possible
messenger 11-5-2017 09:54 Acceptance +1 Their Shop Name means "Flower Angels"

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