Original Post

28-4-2017 16:54

Not sure how to reply to ratings, so I'mma post here for now. If someone could teach me how, that would be great. For those asking about the tea, it's called Lee MF Rhino Herbal Tea. I've only tried it thrice so far, and 2/3 have had positive results. The second time I took it was on an absolutely empty stomach (5 hours no solid food) to test it (pack says to take in 15 mins before eating) and I felt really hot, with a heavy head accompanied by dizziness. Did not get a steady woody the whole time I felt dizzy until I went to bed, though I did get really hard when I got horny from browing the 141DB. From reviews online,  the tea has had different degrees of success depending on the user.

Explorer1 29-4-2017 03:37 Karma +3 Where did you get yours. Couldn't find any in my area so far.
stinkyfeet 29-4-2017 05:05 Karma +8
JackTheBat 29-4-2017 17:27 Acceptance +1 "Did not get a steady woody the whole time I felt dizzy..." OUCH!

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