Original Post

27-4-2017 11:58

been punting regularly in shanghai for a year now, when it comes to girl services most of the time it really depends on the girl's mood or liking in you but most of the time its better to find more expensive establishments because the service i find is definitely better. Ive been going to two places which ranges from 998/1198/1698/2000+ for difference tier girls and they haven't let me down yet. If you guys are interested I'll write up reports of the places Ive been to and their contact details. I know joints in all areas like xuhui putuo changning yangpu huangpu because I like to try different things.

ltshinysidez 27-4-2017 19:45 Karma +3 I come to Shanghai quite often, please write em up or do a Shanghai guide!
aznsensation22 16-5-2017 23:31 Acceptance +1 please write
ikkenogen 18-5-2017 10:13 Acceptance +1 Excellent! Can you share some of your SH addresses with me? specifically I'm looking for HJ or BJ spas... Thanks!
theworm 23-5-2017 19:19 Karma +5 thanks, do you have any places near the Pudong area? I am staying at the Indigo right now. if you can attach a bi card, ...

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