Original Post

21-4-2017 08:48
Reply #1 natca's post

I would say my experience was similar to yours, but probably a little better. Maybe, like she said, they were busy and she was wearing down by the time you saw her.

It was one of my more average Nuru Spa experience. I think my massage was probably longer than yours because she didn't do BJ until we were on the mattress during the nuru portion, so I probably had 20 minutes of massage. Like you said, she knew the spots, but not particularly a strong massage. We went to the nuru at about 45-50 minutes in.

I though her nuru was good, but I've had 2-3 others that did better. However, like you said, the highlight for me was the 69. Her shaved LS was thrust before my face to enjoy. And the 69 seemed like a prolonged session and not rushed.

We moved to the table and she started in CG. We found some good rhythm here and I didn't make it to another position, but it was a good fuck, so no complaints there. Similarly, she left me to rest while she cleaned up and then gave me a leg massage and we showered. I finished at 85-90 minutes, so probably not as rushed as you were.

When Bobo sent the photos via whatsapp (attached), I liked her look and though, "she looks Thai" and that's actually why I went. I had been recently and didn't really want to spend the money, but I had set up a meeting with another girl for that day that had cancelled on me, so thought this would be a good replacement.

My thoughts on Jojo:
1. She darker than the photos and probably a little less glammed up, but still nice-looking
2. Tits are definitely bolt-ons, which I don't prefer
3. English is very good, so easy to talk to compared to most of the girls there.
4. Leans to professional experience more than GFE

professuser 21-4-2017 17:55 Acceptance +1 Favorable

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