Original Post

20-4-2017 22:31

@twiceaweek - Its approx 20 - 30 minutes by taxi from Central GZ, taxi fare is usually around 30 - 35 RMB.

@hotjac - in my experience 300 - 400 is the going rate for this type of Sauna in Guangzhou, this particular one is very new, its large and is purpose built, you can also get food and drink there too.. I doubt whether Canton Fair will affect things at this Sauna as its a bit too far out for most foreigners. I'm off to Shenzhen tomorrow would appreciate a PM as to where I can find your suggested in Shenzhen for 320. Not punted in Shenzhen before, only been there once before.

Re Location, as soon as I manage to get back there I will grab a business card and post an image, however it is right across the road from the Mango international hotel' do a search on any hotel site, or google for 'Mango International Hotel Guangzhou' and you will see where it is, its in an area that the Metro does'nt go so you really need to take a taxi. once you are at the fromt of the Mango hotel, cross the road and you cant miss the spa, its quite a big place, purpose built building.

MothToAFlame 21-4-2017 01:42 Karma +2
stinkyfeet 26-5-2017 00:05 Karma +1 Go to lushan hotel in the afternoon. Reserve 222, 555, 188, or 266. Report n thank me later

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