Original Post

9-4-2017 12:41
Reply #2 Karanmani's post

Hi.  I'm a frequent visitor to HK and I love Thai massage.  I have a local woman who is fantastic.

Based on this small comment I went to Sansuk in Wan Chai.  I had a session with an attractive, trim Thai woman with large breasts.

She quoted me HKD $280 for a one-hour massage.  I knew she was willing to do more than the Puritanical massage because she parted the curtains to check on me, while I was still undressing.  

It was quite agreeable with her teasing my scrotum as I stroked her smooth legs and thighs.  

Her massage was quite pleasant and in the Thai style.  But when I turned onto my back she tried some complex whispered discussions with me.  I gathered that $1000 HKD would afford me the full menu.  But I was just interested in a 60-minute sensual teasing Thai massage with hand finish.  So we agreed on 500.  

But her teasing wasn't as indirect as I might have preferred.  When I came she was sensitive and did clean me off with many warm towels.  She asked if I wanted my appointment to be finished at that point.  Well no, I'd like to have the balance of my 60 minutes with vanilla Thai techniques. But darling if you're asking then I'll take my leave.

I thought she was asking that I be discreet with my payment so the house wouldn't know what she was up to.  But when I brandished my 500 note in the foyer there was to be no change for the 280 fee.  So I retrieved my $220 tip from her table and was off.  
Don't think I'll be back.

ltshinysidez 9-4-2017 13:54 Acceptance +8 Good write up. Thanks for taking one for the team! Do you have any recommendations?
trust_00 18-5-2020 20:16 Acceptance +4 Thanks for the intel, might check out that place for a massage

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