How are Asian punters viewed around the world?
I'm interested in everyone's experience from punting around the world, and how receptive the ladies are to punters who are of Asian decent. Here's a quick summary of my own experiences plus what I've gathered from reading posts from other punters, here on this forum and on other forums.
USA: This is my home base and my experience has been somewhat mixed. Most women are OK with seeing Asian guys, but not all. There seems to be a lot who do not see black men (they call it an "NBA" policy, no blacks allowed). The reasons are multi-factorial, either due to personal preference, concerns about safety and being pimped out, flat-out racism, concerns about anatomy and stamina, etc. I've started to see more ladies choose not to see men of Middle Eastern and East Indian origin as well. There are some that will say "Caucasian only". On sites like, the response rate for Asian guys would be lower than for Caucasians, just anecdotal experience (in comparing notes with jake.houston)
HK/China: Beneficial to be Asian just because of familiarity.
Japan/Korea: Beneficial to be Asian, even better if you speak the language and are local, or with someone local. Heard many stories of locals showing foreign punters the KTV and local walk-up scene which would otherwise never have been accessible.
Thailand: Beneficial to be Asian, especially Japanese/Korean. They seem to have the reputation of having deeper pockets and throwing around $$ with less discernment. Also apparently known to be easy fucks, i.e. doesn't wear out their LG, and usually cum quickly
Europe: No personal punting experience here, but I've read about FKK girls seeing Asian punters favorably, but also the flip side of the coin where Asians are somewhat ridiculed, even by other fellow European punters (the other dudes).
Canada: Very favorable to be Asian, as there seems to be less discrimination, and everyone is well-accepted.
Mexico: Apparently the border towns like Tijuana see Asian guys, especially Koreans, as being their favorite. I've read that the selection is even better for Asian punters vs even their Caucasian counterparts. There are apparently stories of Asian dudes picking up women in Mexico to be their real-life GF and wives... They see Asian dudes are the "golden sombrero" per se
[ Last edited by jeffzeke at 21-3-2017 21:58 ] | |