Anal with girls who do anal is not special. It's sort of tight then loose as you pass the two anal sphincters so it grips the base of your cock rather than the head that pussy does. So unless you only put the first 2 inches in it has little sensation.
It's mostly psychological seeing her face contort in pleasure/pain or if you doggy like many WG do in HK it's the view and thought of it in her ass and her welping.
Of my numerous experiences. DanDan my first ever anal encounter it was like throwing a sausage in an alley way. Civilian women were much tighter and open to it.
A couple of unique experiences stand out. Bibi (gone) and Sweetashley (UK also gone) forgot to lube their holes up before I put my dick in. It was just super super super tight tighter than when a girl clamps you with her pelvic muscles.
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